Thursday, August 1, 2013

Four Year Undergraduate Programme:Delhi University:Foundation Courses:INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY


1. Overview
Information Technology has acquired a central and integral role for a student in the University. Students use these technologies primarily for communication and networking. This course stretches that domain to education and research. Information and Communication Technology is an essential and efficient mode of receiving education information, documentation and presentation. The course is designed to enable the UG students with the skills, basic knowledge, and legal aspects of using information technology.

2. Objective and Expected outcome
  • To enable students to be aware of the role of IT in education, society and business.
  • To enable students to be aware of basic hardware and software components that makes the data processing possible.
  • To enable students to prepare documents and presentations for their academic work.
  • To enable students to explore the Internet for various purposes in an effective, secure and legal manner.
  • To enable students to understand the organization of information resources available at different sources, especially the library.

3. Themes & Sub-themes
I. Information Technology (IT) & Society
Information, information processing & Information Technology, Evolution of IT, IT business and entrepreneurship, education, communication, entertainment, healthcare, agriculture, and its contribution to India‘s development. Government Initiatives: Particular initiatives – AADHAR, E-Panchayat, National Knowledge Network.

II. Information Handling
Devices assisting IT with, special focus on Computers and Mobiles. Components of computer: Hardware and Software. Connecting and configuring external devices – like printer, scanner, projectors etc. Hardware Connectivity Options - Ports, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc.

III. Document Preparation & Presentation
Document preparation and presentations using tables, pictures, graphs, animations, audio and video contents. Use of shortcut keys. Making effective presentations. Use of references and citations. Knowledge of various file formats and ways of converting files from others.

IV. Internet, Security & Legal Aspects
World Wide Web; Basics of webpage; Social networking websites; Effective searching; Popular online applications - e-ticketing, e-payment. Email & internet forums. Issues – virus, malware, spam, phishing, copyright, plagiarism, cyber-crime; Protective measures: password, https; cyber laws – IT Act.
The Philosophy of ‗Open source‘; Licensing and domains of open source technology. Open source software development. Commonly used open source technologies.

V. Information Resource Centers: Library information systems
E-Resources of Information, Institutional Repository and online Databases subscribed and free and open access databases.
Library Systems – Introduction to library, User and reference services (Current Awareness Service, Selective Dissemination of Information, Online Information Bulletin Board), Call Number (Class Number, Book Number, Location Number), Catalogue Data Fields. Access of Resources – Search (Open Public Access Catalogue) & reservation.
Bibliographic Standards for Citation - Modern Language Association style, American Psychology Association style. Article reference, Book Reference, Conference Reference, Web Resource Reference.

4. Project works
Specific suggestive projects:
  • Study a government website (like and lookout for e-facilities.
  • Study a bank‘s website (such as and lookout for e-facilities.
  • Visit a nearby Panchayat and educate them in the new opportunities and resources that will be available to them, thanks to IT initiatives.
  • Prepare a document or presentation on the changes produced by the use of IT in your society/locality.
  • Open the CPU of a computer to see its internal components – make your own block diagram.
  • Demonstrate how to connect and set up a projector through computer and laptop for a Power-Point presentation.
  • Demonstrate how to connect and set up a printer and a scanner for use in a computer lab.
  • Demonstrate how to connect an active Wi-Fi network to a computer, a laptop and a mobile.
  • Use of Bluetooth technology for sharing data files like lecture notes.
  • Prepare a four page word document on any theme that contains pictures, graphs, tables etc.
  • Prepare a five-slide Power-Point presentation on any theme with pictures, tables, animation, movies and dynamic information.
  • Create your own personal weblog.
  • Send an email to the teacher and a group created for group communication.
  • How to make effective use of social-networking sites for awareness programmes.
  • Suggest methods of making your college website more effective.
  • Make a movie using Power Point.
  • Make a poster on a topic using power point.
  • Create your letterhead.
  • Prepare your CV. Visit different sites to prepare a list of recommendations about preparing an effective CV.
  • Demonstrate how you will configure a network printer.
  • Hold a class-room discussion on the difference IT has produced between your lifestyle and that of your parents.
  • Create a facebook group for your course.
  • Create a list of websites containing resources for a topic.
  • Create a group email for your classmates.
  • Prepare a document how to use the site IRCTC (Indian Railways).
  • Locate an effective lecture on the internet on this course.
  • Make a presentation on any open source software.
  • Make a presentation on public domain library management software.
  • Create an online management system for your departmental library.
  • Prepare bibliography on selected subject using Library Online Resources.
  • Prepare a full-text report on a selected subject using citation style.
  • Create a list of DU books and online reservations available in the library OPAC.
  • Create presentations on use of IT in census, library and stock exchange.
  • Visit a website with job listings and submit your resume with the job site. Prepare a document to summarize the kinds of information sought by the job sites.
  • Visit a job site and compile information about different job vacancies that may be available.

Tools and Techniques
  • Linux, Windows or Mac systems as available in a college
  • Open Office or Microsoft Office for making documents and presentations etc.
  • The classes should preferably be held in the lab having computing and Internet facilities.
  • Projects will be carried out in groups of 2-4 students with mixed background in using computers. This is likely to encourage peer learning amongst the students.
  • The projects included are optional and suggestive. Teachers have the freedom to offer any other project linked to the topics.
  • The one period (every week) that has been allocated for presentation and discussion of projects should be used by the students to exchange ideas, try new ones, debate with others and use this to formulate creative projects.

5. Reading List
Printed Material
  • Bell, S. S. (2012). Librarian's Guide to Online Searching (3 ed.). Libraries Unlimited.
  • I.T.L. Education Solutions Limited. (2012). Introduction to Information
  • Technology (2 ed.). Pearson Education India. (P 14-20, 476-482, 314-316, 230-247, 532-546, 553-555, 563-569, 572, 588-590, 327-331, Sec 13.1-13.4, 15.1-15.3)
  • Inc. BarCharts. (2011). APA / MLA Guidelines (Quick Study: Academic) [Pamphlet]. 6. QuickStudy.
  • Janes, J. (2003). Introduction to Reference Work in Digital Age. Neal-Schuman Publishers.
  • Katz, W. A. (2001). Introduction to Reference Work (Vol. I). McGraw-Hill.
  • Kumar, K. (2011). Library Manual. New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House.
  • Norton, P. (2004). Peter Norton's Introduction to Computers (6 ed.). McGraw-Hill Technology Education.
  • Rajaraman, V. (2013). Introduction to Information Technology (2 ed.). Prentice Hall India. (P 20-38, 41-66,67-79, 80-89,165-178, 339-349, 258-27)

Video lectures on essential topics

Online Material

Useful websites

Allied Material
My Recommendations
  •  How Laser Printer works ( )

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