Business, Entrepreneurship and Management (व्यापार, उद्यमशीलता और प्रबंधन)
1. Overview
Curriculum aims to encourage students to empathize and analyze basic mechanism of business and its relevance for resolving major challenges facing the nation in the areas like business and socio-economic development, need for infrastructure and role of ethics in governing the business.
2. Objective and Expected outcome
The course aims at the following:
Create awareness about entrepreneurship
Stimulating the potential to develop entrepreneurial orientation through innovation and creativity
Understanding relationships between business, market, and society
Understanding the role of management in creating and maintaining business
3. Themes and Sub-themes
Concept, value creation, entrepreneurial mindset— innovation and creativity, entrepreneurial decision making—use of biases and heuristics, risk bearing, social and commercial entrepreneurship
Concept, types, facilitators and inhibitors of business, role of e-commerce and m-commerce, technological innovation and its viability, ethical considerations
Market and Society
Generation and utilization of resources, concept of market, exploring and segmenting the market, demand and supply factors, understanding customer adoption process
Concept, function and culture of management, innovation and technology, managing finance, role of incentives and managing human resources
Dabbawalas Case
Barefoot College
भारत के राजस्थान में, एक ख़ास-ओ-ख़ास विद्यालय है जो ग्रामीण महिलाओं और पुरुषों को शिक्षित करता है -- ज्यादातर अपढ लोगों को -- और उन्हे बदलता है सोलर इंजिनियरों, कलाकारों, दाँत के डॉक्टरों, मेडिकल डॉक्टरों में, और उनके ख़ुद के गाँवों में. इसे बेयरफ़ुट कॉलेज के नाम से जाना जाता है, और इसके स्थापक, बंकर रॉय, समझा रहे हैं ये कैसे काम करता है।
4. Project works
Understanding the life of celebrated and unsung entrepreneurs
Studying the role of government, women, and dalits as entrepreneurs
Studying the role of social marketing, social entrepreneurship, and social audit
Studying the role of different forms of business ownership
Studying the online business models and role of e-commerce and m-commerce
Studying of Indian model of businesses
Studying the shades of business in urban and rural areas
Studying various aspects of organizations like Tata, Reliance, Maruti, Hindustan Motors, Wipro, Haldiram, Flipkart, Amul, Amaravati Talluka, Lizzat papad, Google, Apple etc.
Studying Gandhi‘s Trusteeship model through Corporate Social Responsibility/Corporate Governance orientation of companies.
Studying the role of demographic, psychographic, political, competitive, and environmental factors in business
Studying the management of businesses like wellness, event management, radio taxies, etc.
Study the role of business facilitators like banking, insurance, supply chains, and logistics, etc.
Study of Dabbawallas and mathematical reasoning
Use and analysis of secondary sources of data for business decision making
Writing business plan
Tools and Techniques
Case study and biographical analysis of entrepreneurs
Survey research- Customer satisfaction survey, and opinion polls
Field studies
Social audit of projects
Social campaigns
Analysis of offline and online businesses
Experiential exercises and business games
Secondary data analysis using MS Excel/SPSS
5. Reading List
Printed Material (Essential)
Barringer, Bruce R., Ireland Duane R. (2012). Entrepreneurship: Successfully Launching New Ventures (4 ed.). Prentice Hall. pp 77-96.
Davies, Paul. (2008). New Business in India: The 21st Century Opportunity. World Scientific Publishing Company. pp 1-23.
Desjardins, Joseph.(2019). An Introduction to Business Ethics.(3 ed.). McGrawHill. pp 1-35
Kotler, Phillip., Kevin L Keller, Abraham Koshy, & Mithilesh Jha.(2009). Marketing Management. (13 ed.) Prentice Hall. pp 4-30, 177-183, 200-205.
Kreitner, R. (2004). Management. (9 ed.). Houghton Mifflin Company. pp. 4-28, 95-99, 352-358, 375-379, 439-454.
Nickels, William. G., James M McHugh, Susan. M McHugh. (2012). Understanding Business (6 ed.). Tata Mcgraw-Hill. pp 4-11, 486-496
Supplementary Reading Material
Bansal, Rashmi. (2012). Connecting the Dots. Westland. Inc. pp 1-35
Bornstein, D. (2007). How to Change the World:Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of
New Ideas. Oxford University Press. pp 48-61.
Cappelli, Peter, Harbir Singh, Jitendra Singh, & Michael Useem. (2010). The India Way:
How India's Top Business Leaders Are Revolutionzing Management. Harvard Business Review Press. pp 19-47
Ferrell, O.C., Fraedrich, John Paul; Ferrell Linda. (2006). Business Ethics: Ethical
Decision Making and Cases. (6 ed., Indian adaptation). , Biztantra. pp 1-18
Gladwell, Malcolm. (2008). Outliers: The Story of Success. Allen Lane Penguin Book. pp
Hanna, Richard C, Andrew Rohm, & Victoria L. Crittenden. (2011). The Power of the
Social Media Ecosystem. Business Horizon. pp 1-9
Rigby, Darrell. (2011, December). The Future of Shopping. Harvard Business Review. Scarborough, Norman M. (2011). Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Management, (6 ed.) Prentice Hall. pp 32-68.
Stevenson, Howrad H. (2006). A Perspective on Entrepreneurship. Harvard Business
School. Product No. 384131, pp 1-13
Tjan, Anthony K., Richard J., & Tsun-Yan Hseih. (2012). Heart, Smarts, Guts, and Luck: What It Takes to Be an Entrepreneur and Build a Great Business. Harvard Business Review Press. pp. 1-9.
William, Chuck. (2012). MGMT 4. South Western Cengage Learning. pp 119-128.
Zahra, Shaker A., Satish Nambisan. (2012, May-June). Entrepreneurship and strategic
thinking in business ecosystems. Business Horizons. pp 219-229.
An Inconvenient Truth (2006)
Any Body Can Dance (2013)
Barbarians at the Gate
Corporate (2006)
Do Duni Char (2010)
Guru (2007)
Oh My God (2013)
Pirates of Silicon Valley (1999)
Pursuit of Happiness (2006)
Rocket Singh (2010) (2001)
The Social Network (2010)
Tucker-the man and his dreams (1988)
Wall Street (1987)
Additional articles recommended by me:
1. Overview
Curriculum aims to encourage students to empathize and analyze basic mechanism of business and its relevance for resolving major challenges facing the nation in the areas like business and socio-economic development, need for infrastructure and role of ethics in governing the business.
2. Objective and Expected outcome
The course aims at the following:
Create awareness about entrepreneurship
Stimulating the potential to develop entrepreneurial orientation through innovation and creativity
Understanding relationships between business, market, and society
Understanding the role of management in creating and maintaining business
3. Themes and Sub-themes
Concept, value creation, entrepreneurial mindset— innovation and creativity, entrepreneurial decision making—use of biases and heuristics, risk bearing, social and commercial entrepreneurship
Concept, types, facilitators and inhibitors of business, role of e-commerce and m-commerce, technological innovation and its viability, ethical considerations
Market and Society
Generation and utilization of resources, concept of market, exploring and segmenting the market, demand and supply factors, understanding customer adoption process
Concept, function and culture of management, innovation and technology, managing finance, role of incentives and managing human resources
Dabbawalas Case
Barefoot College
भारत के राजस्थान में, एक ख़ास-ओ-ख़ास विद्यालय है जो ग्रामीण महिलाओं और पुरुषों को शिक्षित करता है -- ज्यादातर अपढ लोगों को -- और उन्हे बदलता है सोलर इंजिनियरों, कलाकारों, दाँत के डॉक्टरों, मेडिकल डॉक्टरों में, और उनके ख़ुद के गाँवों में. इसे बेयरफ़ुट कॉलेज के नाम से जाना जाता है, और इसके स्थापक, बंकर रॉय, समझा रहे हैं ये कैसे काम करता है।
4. Project works
Understanding the life of celebrated and unsung entrepreneurs
Studying the role of government, women, and dalits as entrepreneurs
Studying the role of social marketing, social entrepreneurship, and social audit
Studying the role of different forms of business ownership
Studying the online business models and role of e-commerce and m-commerce
Studying of Indian model of businesses
Studying the shades of business in urban and rural areas
Studying various aspects of organizations like Tata, Reliance, Maruti, Hindustan Motors, Wipro, Haldiram, Flipkart, Amul, Amaravati Talluka, Lizzat papad, Google, Apple etc.
Studying Gandhi‘s Trusteeship model through Corporate Social Responsibility/Corporate Governance orientation of companies.
Studying the role of demographic, psychographic, political, competitive, and environmental factors in business
Studying the management of businesses like wellness, event management, radio taxies, etc.
Study the role of business facilitators like banking, insurance, supply chains, and logistics, etc.
Study of Dabbawallas and mathematical reasoning
Use and analysis of secondary sources of data for business decision making
Writing business plan
Tools and Techniques
Case study and biographical analysis of entrepreneurs
Survey research- Customer satisfaction survey, and opinion polls
Field studies
Social audit of projects
Social campaigns
Analysis of offline and online businesses
Experiential exercises and business games
Secondary data analysis using MS Excel/SPSS
5. Reading List
Printed Material (Essential)
Barringer, Bruce R., Ireland Duane R. (2012). Entrepreneurship: Successfully Launching New Ventures (4 ed.). Prentice Hall. pp 77-96.
Davies, Paul. (2008). New Business in India: The 21st Century Opportunity. World Scientific Publishing Company. pp 1-23.
Desjardins, Joseph.(2019). An Introduction to Business Ethics.(3 ed.). McGrawHill. pp 1-35
Kotler, Phillip., Kevin L Keller, Abraham Koshy, & Mithilesh Jha.(2009). Marketing Management. (13 ed.) Prentice Hall. pp 4-30, 177-183, 200-205.
Kreitner, R. (2004). Management. (9 ed.). Houghton Mifflin Company. pp. 4-28, 95-99, 352-358, 375-379, 439-454.
Nickels, William. G., James M McHugh, Susan. M McHugh. (2012). Understanding Business (6 ed.). Tata Mcgraw-Hill. pp 4-11, 486-496
Supplementary Reading Material
Bansal, Rashmi. (2012). Connecting the Dots. Westland. Inc. pp 1-35
Bornstein, D. (2007). How to Change the World:Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of
New Ideas. Oxford University Press. pp 48-61.
Cappelli, Peter, Harbir Singh, Jitendra Singh, & Michael Useem. (2010). The India Way:
How India's Top Business Leaders Are Revolutionzing Management. Harvard Business Review Press. pp 19-47
Ferrell, O.C., Fraedrich, John Paul; Ferrell Linda. (2006). Business Ethics: Ethical
Decision Making and Cases. (6 ed., Indian adaptation). , Biztantra. pp 1-18
Gladwell, Malcolm. (2008). Outliers: The Story of Success. Allen Lane Penguin Book. pp
Hanna, Richard C, Andrew Rohm, & Victoria L. Crittenden. (2011). The Power of the
Social Media Ecosystem. Business Horizon. pp 1-9
Rigby, Darrell. (2011, December). The Future of Shopping. Harvard Business Review. Scarborough, Norman M. (2011). Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Management, (6 ed.) Prentice Hall. pp 32-68.
Stevenson, Howrad H. (2006). A Perspective on Entrepreneurship. Harvard Business
School. Product No. 384131, pp 1-13
Tjan, Anthony K., Richard J., & Tsun-Yan Hseih. (2012). Heart, Smarts, Guts, and Luck: What It Takes to Be an Entrepreneur and Build a Great Business. Harvard Business Review Press. pp. 1-9.
William, Chuck. (2012). MGMT 4. South Western Cengage Learning. pp 119-128.
Zahra, Shaker A., Satish Nambisan. (2012, May-June). Entrepreneurship and strategic
thinking in business ecosystems. Business Horizons. pp 219-229.
An Inconvenient Truth (2006)
Any Body Can Dance (2013)
Barbarians at the Gate
Corporate (2006)
Do Duni Char (2010)
Guru (2007)
Oh My God (2013)
Pirates of Silicon Valley (1999)
Pursuit of Happiness (2006)
Rocket Singh (2010) (2001)
The Social Network (2010)
Tucker-the man and his dreams (1988)
Wall Street (1987)
Additional articles recommended by me:
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