Friday, November 19, 2010

Syllabus for Internal Exam for E-Commerce Paper

B.Com (Hons.) – IInd Year
Paper - XIV (a)
Duration : 2 hrs.
Max. Marks: 50


Unit-I: Introduction: meaning, nature, concepts, advantages and reasons for
transacting online, categories of E-Commerce.

Unit-2: Planning Online Business: nature and dynamics of the internet, pure online vas brick and click business; assessing requirement for an online business designing, developing and deploying the system, one to one enterprise.

Unit-3 Technology for Online Business: Internet, IT Infrastructure, Middleware,
contents: Text and Integrating E-business applications.

Unit-5: Laws Relating to online transactions: Salient features.

Books to be referred:
1. Amor, Daniel - Pearson Edude, “E Business R (Evolution)”.
2. Greenslein & Feinman,“Electronic Commerce’’ TMH.
3. David Whiteley,“E-Commerce: Strategy, Technologies and Applications”,TMH.
4. Joseph , P.T., “E-Commerce A Managerial Perspective,”PHI 2003.
5. “Electronic Commerce,”: from vision to fulfillment: ELIAS M. AWAD PHI-2003.

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