Friday, October 15, 2010

Topics for Term Paper/ Report for B.Com.(H) Final Year Students 2010-11

I am suggesting the following topics for students under my mentorship.

1. Potential for public private partnership (PPP) in Healthcare
2. Food Security in India
3. Disinvestment : A Second Thought
4. Consumer Advocacy and Protection in India
5. Limited Liability Partnership : A New Seedbed of Entrepreneurship
6. Health Insurance in India
7. HR Strategies for ITES Sector
8. Relevance of Public Sector Enterprises in 21st Century
9. Microfinance and Credit Delivery at the Grass Root Level
10.The Growth Story of Mineral Water Industry in India
11.Exchange Traded Funds in India
12.Globalisation and Stock Market Movements
13.The Classic Brands of India
14.Replacing Currency with Digital Cash:Impact on Money Supply & Interest Rate


Project Work
Paper - XXXVII

Total Marks: 25
In recent times it has been observed at several educational fora that there is a need for university courses to be more broad based. In the context of commerce education, this implies two things. One, that B.Com. Hons. needs to have a broader social science orientation and two, students need to go beyond their textbooks into the real world. The Project Work paper is intended as a practical paper that would satisfy these needs.

A. Work Experience and Report: 25 Marks (including Viva of 5 Marks).

A student should be placed in any business establishment including NGOs and Call Centres to do full-time work equivalent to one month (a minimum of 200 hours) 25 days x 8 hours during vacations and/or holidays. The intention of such work experience is to expose the student to day-to-day aspects of business, so as to better understand the concepts learnt in the classroom.

A report of a minimum length of 2000 words should be submitted after the completion of the experience. The purpose is to describe the business and the aspect of work assigned to the student. Two copies of the work must be submitted.

B. Term Paper/ Report: 25 Marks (including Viva of 5 Marks).
A term paper is a short review of a topic that is related to the curriculum. A report is a short document that is of general interest and need not be related to the curriculum. A student can choose topics as suggested by the Mentor or according to the guidelines issued by the Department of Commerce.

The student is expected to collect material from the following sources:
i) books and reports in the area;
ii) journals and magazines;
iii) business/economic newspapers; and
iv) Internet resources.

They should study the material, including some background material and formulate an understanding. Based on the study, they should submit a report/term paper of a minimum of 3000 words. Two copies of the work must be submitted.

SOL students are not supposed to submit a project normally. They have to appear in an essay test on a topic related to commerce discipline instead of submitting the project. 

Mentor's Name: Avneesh Kumar
Assistant Professor
Hans Raj College
University of Delhi

You can select any topic with or without modification. You are free to take topics different from the suggested ones. Two or more students can't choose the same topic. You can contact me at or 9868567880.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

what should i write in my project i mean contents then cause reasons solutions images charts and or what ?