University of Delhi
Semester based syllabus for Application Course (B.A. Programme)
Course Objective:» To explain the terms - voluntary action, voluntary organization and non- government organizations
» To describe the importance, goals, functions, role, achievements and limitations of voluntary organizations
» To indicate the steps in organization formation under existing legislations.
Expected Learning Outcome:
Conceptual understanding of voluntary action and functioning and management of voluntary organizations can help students to choose career in autonomous and non-governmental organizations.
• Voluntary Organization and Voluntarism - the concepts in theoretical and historical perspective
• Classification of NGOs: Developmental, Social, Educational, Environmental and others. a Development NGOs : Role in Poverty, Education and Health for All, AIDS
awareness Campaign, Campaign against Substance Abuse.
" Social Movement NGOs-organization of Women, Dalits and Adivasis. Disabled People.
“ NGOs in Literacy Campaign and Education for all Campaign.
“ Environmental NGOs, Social Action groups and movements.
• Non-governmental organization (NGOs), Social Action Groups, Advocacy Initiatives, Civil Society Organizations and Social Movements- meaning and distinctions.
• Voluntary Work in the Sarvodaya tradition.
Unit II : NGO Sector and Changing Trends
• NGO sector and the emerging global economy.
• United Nations Summits and the NGOs.
• NGOs in the Indian Planning framework
• NGOs and the changing role of the state in economic reforms in India since the 1990s - the debates.
• State, NGOs, Social Movements-the debate on depoliticisation of governance
Unit III : Formation and function of NGO’s
• Launching and Managing of NGOs - Registration and FCRA, capacity building, preparing project proposals, conducting training and evaluation
• Funding of NGOs - national and international sources, Self-supporting peoples' organisations; accountability and transparency
Scheme of Evaluation End-Semester Examination 75 marks Internal Assessment 25 Total 100 marks