Friday, April 29, 2016

B.Com.(P): Three-Year (6-Semester) CBCS Programme of Delhi University

Course  No. Course Title Course Type
Semester I
BC 1.1 Environmental Studies Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC-1)
BC 1.2 Financial Accounting Core Course (DSC-1)
BC 1.3 Business Organisation and Management Core Course (DSC-2)
BC 1.4 English Language Language-1
Semester II
BC 2.1 Language: English/Hindi/Modern Indian Language Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC-2)
BC 2.2 Business Laws Core Course (DSC-3)
BC 2.3 Business Mathematics and Statistics Core Course (DSC-4)
BC 2.4 Hindi/Modern Indian Language Language-2
Semester III
BC 3.1 Company Law Core Course (DSC-5)
BC 3.2 Income Tax Law and Practice Core Course (DSC-6)
BC 3.3 Hindi/Modern Indian Language Language-3
BC 3.4 Skill Based (Any one of the following) Ability Enhancement Elective Course (Skill Based-AEEC-1)
(a) Computer Applications in Business
(b) Cyber Crimes and Laws
Semester IV
BC 4.1 Business Communication (English/Hindi) Language-4
BC 4.2 Corporate Accounting Core Course (DSC-7)
BC 4.3 Cost Accounting Core Course (DSC-8)
BC 4.4 Skill Based (Any one of the following) Ability Enhancement Elective Course (Skill Based-AEEC-2)
(a) E-Commerce
(b) Investing in Stock Markets
Semester V
BC 5.1 Discipline Specific Elective (Any one of the Following) Discipline Specific Elective (DSE-1)
(a) Human Resource Management
(b) Principles of Marketing
(c) Auditing and Corporate Governance
(d) Financial Reporting and Analysis
BC 5.2 Discipline Specific Elective (Any one of the following) Discipline Specific Elective (DSE-2)
(a) Fundamentals of Financial Management
(b) Indirect Tax Laws
(c) Training and Development
(d) Industrial Laws
BC 5.3 Skill Based (Any one of the following) Ability Enhancement Elective Course (Skill Based-AEEC-3)
(a) Entrepreneurship
(b) Advertising
BC 5.4 Generic Elective (Any one of the following) Generic Elective (GE-1)
(a) Principles of Micro Economics
(b) Economics of Regulation of Domestic and Foreign Exchange Markets
Semester VI
BC 6.1 Discipline Specific Elective (Any one of the following) Discipline Specific Elective (DSE-3)
(a) Corporate Tax Planning
(b) Banking and Insurance
(c) Management Accounting
(d) Computerised Accounting System
(e) Financial Markets and Institutions
BC 6.2 Discipline Specific Elective (Any one of the following) Discipline Specific Elective (DSE-4)
(a) International Business
(b) Office Management and Secretarial Practice
(c) Fundamentals of Investment
(d) Consumer Protection
(e) Organisational Behaviour
BC 6.3 Skill Based (Any one of the following) Ability Enhancement Elective Course (Skill Based-AEEC-4)
(a) Personal Selling and Salesmanship
(b) Collective Bargaining and Negotiation Skills
BC 6.4 Generic Elective (Any one of the following) Generic Elective (GE-2)
(a) Indian Economy
(b) Project Management
1. For Practical Lab based

a. Core Course papers BC 1.2 (Financial Accounting) and BC 3.2 (Income-tax Law and Practice), there shall be 4 Credit Hrs. for Lectures + one Credit hr. (Two Practical Periods per week per batch) for Practical Lab + one credit Hr for Tutorials (per group)

b. Discipline Specific Elective paper 64(d) (Computerised Accounting System), there shall be 4 Credit Hrs. for Lectures + Two Credit hrs. (4 Practical Periods per week per batch) for Practical Lab

c. Ability Enhancement Elective Course (Skill Based) AEEC-2 paper BC 4.4 (E-Commerce), there shall be 3 Credit Hrs. for Lectures + One Credit hrs. (2 Practical Periods per week per batch) for Practical Lab

d. Ability Enhancement Elective Course (Skill Based) AEEC-1 paper BC 3.4 (Computer Applications in Business), there shall be 2 Credit Hrs. for Lectures + Two Credit hrs. (4 Practical Periods per week per batch) for Practical Lab

2. For other core and elective papers there shall be 5 lectures and one Tutorial (per batch)

Thursday, April 28, 2016

B.Com.(Hons.) : Three-Year (6-Semester) CBCS Programme of Delhi University

Paper No. Course Structure
Semester I
BCH-1.1 Environmental Studies Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC-I)
BCH-1.2 Financial Accounting Core Course (C-l)
BCH-1.3 Business Laws Core Course(C-2)
BCH-1.4 Generic Elective (GE-I) (Any one of the following) Generic Elective(GE-l)
a. Micro Economics
b. Insurance and Risk Management
Semester II
BCH-2.1 Business Communication (Language-English/Hindi/MIL) Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC-2)
BCH-2.2 Corporate Accounting Core Course (C-3)
BCH-2.3 Corporate Laws Core Course (C-4)
BCH-2.4 Generic Elective (GE-2) (Any one of the following) Generic Elective(GE-2)
a. Macro Economics
b. Investing in Stock Markets
Semester III
BCH-3.1 Human Resource Management Core Course (C-3)
BCH-3.2 Income-tax Law and Practice Core Course (C-6)
BCH-3.3 Management Principles and Applications Core Course (C-7)
BCH-3.4 Generic Elective (GE-3) (Any one of the following) Generic Elective(GE-3)
a. Business Statistics
b. Project Management
BCH-3.5 Skill-Enhancement Course (SEC-1) (Any one of the following) Skill-Enhancement Course (SEC-I)
a. E-Commerce
b. Training and Development
c. E-Marketing
d. Personal Tax Planning
Semester IV
BCH-4.1 Cost Accounting Core Course (C-8)
BCH-4.2 Business Mathematics Core Course (C-9)
BCH-4.3 Computer Applications in Business Core Course (C-IO)
BCH-4.4 Generic Elective (GE-4) (Any one of the following) Generic Elective (GE-4)
a. Indian Economy
b. Economics of Regulation of Domestic and Foreign Exchange Markets
BCH-4.5 Skill-Enhancement Course (SEC-2) (Any one of the following) Skill-Enhancement Course (SEC-2)
a. Entrepreneurship
b. Collective Bargaining and Negotiation Skills
c. E-Filing of Returns
d. Cyber Crimes and Laws
Semester V
BCH-5.1 Principles ofMarketing Core Course (C-l 1)
BCH-5.2 Fundamentals of Financial Management Core Course (C-12)
BCH-5.3 Discipline Specific Elective (DSE-I) (Any one of group A) Discipline Specific Elective (DSE-I)
BCH-5.4 Discipline Specific Elective (DSE-2) (Any one of group A) Discipline Specific Elective (DSE-2)
a. Management Accounting
b. Corporate Tax Planning
c. Advertising
d. Banking and Insurance
e. Computerised Accounting System
f. Financial Markets, Institutions and Financial Services
g. Industrial Laws
h. Organisational Behaviour
Semester VI
BCH-6.1 Auditing and Corporate Governance Core Course (C-13)
BCH-6.2 Indirect Tax Laws Core Course (C-14)
BCH-6.3 Discipline Specific Elective (DSE-3) (Any one of group B) Discipline Specific Elective(DSE-3)
BCH-6.4 Discipline Specific Elective (DSE-4) (Any one of group B) Discipline Specific Elective (DSE-4)
a. Fundamentals of Investment
b. Consumer Affairs and Customer Care
c. Business Tax Procedures and Management
d. International Business
e. Industrial Relations and Labour Laws
f. Business Research Methods and Project Work
g. New Venture Planning
h. Financial Reporting & Analysis
i. Compensation Management
1. For Practical Lab based

a. Core Courses BCH 1.2 (Financial Accounting), BCH 3.2 (Income-tax Law and Practice), BCH 3.4 (Business Statistics), BCFI 4.2 (Business Mathematics), and BCH 5.2 (Fundamentals of Financial Management) there shall be 4 Credit Hrs. for Lectures + one Credit hr. (Two Practical Periods per week per batch) for Practical Lab + one credit Hr for Tutorials (per group)

b. Core Courses BCH 4.3 (Computer Applications in Business) and Discipline Specific Elective BCH Group A (e) (Computerised Accounting System), there shall be 4 Credit Hrs. for Lectures + Two Credit hrs. (4 Practical Periods per week per batch) for Practical Lab

c. Skill Enhancement Elective Course BCH 3.5(E-Commerce), there shall be 3 Credit Hrs. for Lectures + One Credit hrs. (2 Practical Periods per week per batch) for Practical Lab

2. For other core and elective papers, there shall be 5 lectures and one Tutorial (per batch)