Monday, August 15, 2016

Paper BC 3.4 (a): Computer Applications in Business

B. Com.: Semester III
B.Com CBCS                                                     Department of Commerce, University of Delhi, Delhi

Objective: To provide computer skills and knowledge for commerce students and to enhance the student understanding of usefulness of information technology tools for business operations.

Unit I: Introduction
Introduction to Computer-Characteristics of Computers, The Computer System, Parts of Computers); Computer H/W Setup, Configuration, Networking, Mobile H/W Device and types wireless Networking; Operating System- Introduction to Operating Systems, An overview of various Computer & Mobile OS & Application (UN IX / Linux, DOS, Windows, Android, windows mobile, iOS Like), Features of latest Windows Operating Systems & its Management & Networking (Installation, backup, security, User control), Usage of payment gateways.

Unit II: Introduction to essential tools
Introduction to facilities & commonly used features of:
a) Word: Working with word document, Inserting, filling and formatting a table, Mail Merge including linking with Access Database, Creating Macros -Sending E-mail from Word Import / Export of files Converting Word Document to Web Document, PDF files Hyperlinks; OLE Security features in MS-Word - Protection of Documents - Password for Documents - Checking for viruses in macros, referencing, creating bibliography, manage sources and citations, review documents.
b) PowerPoint: Preparing Presentations, Slides, Handouts, Speaker’s Notes - Outlines - Media Clips - Charts - Graphs, Adding the Transitions to the Slide Show - Special effects in detail, - Setting Slide timings.
c) Spreadsheet: Creating a work book, Rearranging Worksheet, Organizing Charts and graphs, Ranges and Functions & Formulae: Mathematical, Statistical Financial Functions such as NPV (Net present value), Future value, IRR (Internal Rate of Return), EMI (Equated Monthly Installments, Compounding Yearly, periodic and monthly) - Auto Calculate Using Names in a Formula, Formula Editing, Consolidation of Data & Data Analysis - Sorting List, Filter & More Filtering Techniques - Consolidate data in multiple worksheets - What-if analysis, Goal Seek Scenario Manager, Solver, Lookup Function - Sub Totals, Nested-IF, Statistical Analysis; Data Validation & Protection - Create a drop-down list from a range of cells - Apply data validation to cells - Copy data validation setting, remove data validation - Find cell that have data validation, protect cell data, using password to protect sheet and workbook. - Use validation to create dependent list; Pivot table Reports & Pivot Chart Reports.

Unit III: Using Spreadsheet for Data Analysis & Reporting Features
Using spreadsheet for following purposes and making reports: Loan & Lease statement, Ratio Analysis, Payroll statements, Capital Budgeting, Depreciation Accounting, Graphical representation of data, Frequency distribution and its statistical parameters. Correlation and Regression

Unit IV: Database Designs for Accounting and Business Applications
Reality- Expressing the Application; Creating Initial design in Entity Relationship(ER) Model; Transforming ER Model to Relational data model concepts; Implementing RDM design using an appropriate DBMS.
SQL and Retrieval of Information: Basic Queries in SQL; Embedded Queries in SQL; Insert, Delete and Update statements in SQL
DBMS Software: Environment; Tables; Forms; Queries; Reports; Modules; Applying DBMS in the areas of Accounting, Inventory, HRM and its accounting, Managing the data records of Employees, Suppliers and Customers.

Unit V: CAAT Tools
Capabilities & Importing Data from Accounting & other Application Systems - An Introduction; Analytical Reports, Duplicates/ Gaps. Sorting & Charting; Stratification, Summarization, Statistics & Aging - An Introduction; Sampling, Macros and Audit Trail.

1. There shall be a practical examination of 50 Marks (Practical-35 Marks, Viva-5 Marks and Work Book- 10 Marks) and duration of Examination shall be 3 Hrs.
2. Teaching arrangements need to be made in the computer lab only.
3. There shall be 2 Lectures per class and 4 Practical periods per batch to be taught in computer Lab.

Monday, July 25, 2016


University of Delhi
Semester based syllabus for Application Course (B.A. Programme)
Course Objective:
» To explain the terms - voluntary action, voluntary organization and non- government organizations
» To describe the importance, goals, functions, role, achievements and limitations of voluntary organizations
» To indicate the steps in organization formation under existing legislations.

Expected Learning Outcome:
Conceptual understanding of voluntary action and functioning and management of voluntary organizations can help students to choose career in autonomous and non-governmental organizations.

Unit I : Basic Concept Related to Voluntary Organizations
• Voluntary Organization and Voluntarism - the concepts in theoretical and historical perspective
• Classification of NGOs: Developmental, Social, Educational, Environmental and others. a Development NGOs : Role in Poverty, Education and Health for All, AIDS
awareness Campaign, Campaign against Substance Abuse.
" Social Movement NGOs-organization of Women, Dalits and Adivasis. Disabled People.
“ NGOs in Literacy Campaign and Education for all Campaign.
“ Environmental NGOs, Social Action groups and movements.
• Non-governmental organization (NGOs), Social Action Groups, Advocacy Initiatives, Civil Society Organizations and Social Movements- meaning and distinctions.
• Voluntary Work in the Sarvodaya tradition.

Unit II : NGO Sector and Changing Trends
• NGO sector and the emerging global economy.
• United Nations Summits and the NGOs.
• NGOs in the Indian Planning framework
• NGOs and the changing role of the state in economic reforms in India since the 1990s - the debates.
• State, NGOs, Social Movements-the debate on depoliticisation of governance

Unit III : Formation and function of NGO’s
• Launching and Managing of NGOs - Registration and FCRA, capacity building, preparing project proposals, conducting training and evaluation
• Funding of NGOs - national and international sources, Self-supporting peoples' organisations; accountability and transparency

Scheme of Evaluation End-Semester Examination 75 marks Internal Assessment 25 Total 100 marks

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Info for e-Filing at

Deductions Under Chapter VI A

 Payment made towards life insurance policies (for self, spouse or children), superannuation/provident fund. Tuition fees paid to educate a maximum of two children. Construction or purchase of a residential property.
a fixed deposit with a minimum tenure of 5 years etc.
Payment of premium for
annuity plan of LIC or
any other insurer upto Rs. 1,00,000
 Pension contribution made by self
 Deduction up to Rs 50,000 for investment in NPS (National Pension Scheme) Tier 1 account.
  Pension contribution made by employer
 For first time investors in the equity market. 50% tax deduction on Investments upto Rs. 50,000.
(Maximum eligible amount is 25000. For Senior Citizen, it is 30000 )
 Deduction for Medical Insurance Premium
(Maximum eligible amount is 75000. For Severe Disability, it is 125000)
 Medical expenses of disabled dependent
(Maximum eligible amount is 40000. For Senior Citizen, it is 60000 and Rs. 80.000 for Very Senior Citizen)
 Deduction for Treatment of Specified Disease
Deduction for Interest on Education Loan
 Donation to certain
funds, charitable
institutions etc.
Deduction for Rent Paid upto Rs. 60,000
 Donation for scientific research or rural development
 Donation to political parties by Individuals
 Royalty income on patents upto Rs. 3,00,000
 Royalty income of author upto Rs. 3,00,000
Savings account interest up to Rs10,000
(Maximum eligible amount 75000. For Severe Disability, it is 125000)
Deduction for disabled persons

Friday, April 29, 2016

B.Com.(P): Three-Year (6-Semester) CBCS Programme of Delhi University

Course  No. Course Title Course Type
Semester I
BC 1.1 Environmental Studies Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC-1)
BC 1.2 Financial Accounting Core Course (DSC-1)
BC 1.3 Business Organisation and Management Core Course (DSC-2)
BC 1.4 English Language Language-1
Semester II
BC 2.1 Language: English/Hindi/Modern Indian Language Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC-2)
BC 2.2 Business Laws Core Course (DSC-3)
BC 2.3 Business Mathematics and Statistics Core Course (DSC-4)
BC 2.4 Hindi/Modern Indian Language Language-2
Semester III
BC 3.1 Company Law Core Course (DSC-5)
BC 3.2 Income Tax Law and Practice Core Course (DSC-6)
BC 3.3 Hindi/Modern Indian Language Language-3
BC 3.4 Skill Based (Any one of the following) Ability Enhancement Elective Course (Skill Based-AEEC-1)
(a) Computer Applications in Business
(b) Cyber Crimes and Laws
Semester IV
BC 4.1 Business Communication (English/Hindi) Language-4
BC 4.2 Corporate Accounting Core Course (DSC-7)
BC 4.3 Cost Accounting Core Course (DSC-8)
BC 4.4 Skill Based (Any one of the following) Ability Enhancement Elective Course (Skill Based-AEEC-2)
(a) E-Commerce
(b) Investing in Stock Markets
Semester V
BC 5.1 Discipline Specific Elective (Any one of the Following) Discipline Specific Elective (DSE-1)
(a) Human Resource Management
(b) Principles of Marketing
(c) Auditing and Corporate Governance
(d) Financial Reporting and Analysis
BC 5.2 Discipline Specific Elective (Any one of the following) Discipline Specific Elective (DSE-2)
(a) Fundamentals of Financial Management
(b) Indirect Tax Laws
(c) Training and Development
(d) Industrial Laws
BC 5.3 Skill Based (Any one of the following) Ability Enhancement Elective Course (Skill Based-AEEC-3)
(a) Entrepreneurship
(b) Advertising
BC 5.4 Generic Elective (Any one of the following) Generic Elective (GE-1)
(a) Principles of Micro Economics
(b) Economics of Regulation of Domestic and Foreign Exchange Markets
Semester VI
BC 6.1 Discipline Specific Elective (Any one of the following) Discipline Specific Elective (DSE-3)
(a) Corporate Tax Planning
(b) Banking and Insurance
(c) Management Accounting
(d) Computerised Accounting System
(e) Financial Markets and Institutions
BC 6.2 Discipline Specific Elective (Any one of the following) Discipline Specific Elective (DSE-4)
(a) International Business
(b) Office Management and Secretarial Practice
(c) Fundamentals of Investment
(d) Consumer Protection
(e) Organisational Behaviour
BC 6.3 Skill Based (Any one of the following) Ability Enhancement Elective Course (Skill Based-AEEC-4)
(a) Personal Selling and Salesmanship
(b) Collective Bargaining and Negotiation Skills
BC 6.4 Generic Elective (Any one of the following) Generic Elective (GE-2)
(a) Indian Economy
(b) Project Management
1. For Practical Lab based

a. Core Course papers BC 1.2 (Financial Accounting) and BC 3.2 (Income-tax Law and Practice), there shall be 4 Credit Hrs. for Lectures + one Credit hr. (Two Practical Periods per week per batch) for Practical Lab + one credit Hr for Tutorials (per group)

b. Discipline Specific Elective paper 64(d) (Computerised Accounting System), there shall be 4 Credit Hrs. for Lectures + Two Credit hrs. (4 Practical Periods per week per batch) for Practical Lab

c. Ability Enhancement Elective Course (Skill Based) AEEC-2 paper BC 4.4 (E-Commerce), there shall be 3 Credit Hrs. for Lectures + One Credit hrs. (2 Practical Periods per week per batch) for Practical Lab

d. Ability Enhancement Elective Course (Skill Based) AEEC-1 paper BC 3.4 (Computer Applications in Business), there shall be 2 Credit Hrs. for Lectures + Two Credit hrs. (4 Practical Periods per week per batch) for Practical Lab

2. For other core and elective papers there shall be 5 lectures and one Tutorial (per batch)

Thursday, April 28, 2016

B.Com.(Hons.) : Three-Year (6-Semester) CBCS Programme of Delhi University

Paper No. Course Structure
Semester I
BCH-1.1 Environmental Studies Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC-I)
BCH-1.2 Financial Accounting Core Course (C-l)
BCH-1.3 Business Laws Core Course(C-2)
BCH-1.4 Generic Elective (GE-I) (Any one of the following) Generic Elective(GE-l)
a. Micro Economics
b. Insurance and Risk Management
Semester II
BCH-2.1 Business Communication (Language-English/Hindi/MIL) Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC-2)
BCH-2.2 Corporate Accounting Core Course (C-3)
BCH-2.3 Corporate Laws Core Course (C-4)
BCH-2.4 Generic Elective (GE-2) (Any one of the following) Generic Elective(GE-2)
a. Macro Economics
b. Investing in Stock Markets
Semester III
BCH-3.1 Human Resource Management Core Course (C-3)
BCH-3.2 Income-tax Law and Practice Core Course (C-6)
BCH-3.3 Management Principles and Applications Core Course (C-7)
BCH-3.4 Generic Elective (GE-3) (Any one of the following) Generic Elective(GE-3)
a. Business Statistics
b. Project Management
BCH-3.5 Skill-Enhancement Course (SEC-1) (Any one of the following) Skill-Enhancement Course (SEC-I)
a. E-Commerce
b. Training and Development
c. E-Marketing
d. Personal Tax Planning
Semester IV
BCH-4.1 Cost Accounting Core Course (C-8)
BCH-4.2 Business Mathematics Core Course (C-9)
BCH-4.3 Computer Applications in Business Core Course (C-IO)
BCH-4.4 Generic Elective (GE-4) (Any one of the following) Generic Elective (GE-4)
a. Indian Economy
b. Economics of Regulation of Domestic and Foreign Exchange Markets
BCH-4.5 Skill-Enhancement Course (SEC-2) (Any one of the following) Skill-Enhancement Course (SEC-2)
a. Entrepreneurship
b. Collective Bargaining and Negotiation Skills
c. E-Filing of Returns
d. Cyber Crimes and Laws
Semester V
BCH-5.1 Principles ofMarketing Core Course (C-l 1)
BCH-5.2 Fundamentals of Financial Management Core Course (C-12)
BCH-5.3 Discipline Specific Elective (DSE-I) (Any one of group A) Discipline Specific Elective (DSE-I)
BCH-5.4 Discipline Specific Elective (DSE-2) (Any one of group A) Discipline Specific Elective (DSE-2)
a. Management Accounting
b. Corporate Tax Planning
c. Advertising
d. Banking and Insurance
e. Computerised Accounting System
f. Financial Markets, Institutions and Financial Services
g. Industrial Laws
h. Organisational Behaviour
Semester VI
BCH-6.1 Auditing and Corporate Governance Core Course (C-13)
BCH-6.2 Indirect Tax Laws Core Course (C-14)
BCH-6.3 Discipline Specific Elective (DSE-3) (Any one of group B) Discipline Specific Elective(DSE-3)
BCH-6.4 Discipline Specific Elective (DSE-4) (Any one of group B) Discipline Specific Elective (DSE-4)
a. Fundamentals of Investment
b. Consumer Affairs and Customer Care
c. Business Tax Procedures and Management
d. International Business
e. Industrial Relations and Labour Laws
f. Business Research Methods and Project Work
g. New Venture Planning
h. Financial Reporting & Analysis
i. Compensation Management
1. For Practical Lab based

a. Core Courses BCH 1.2 (Financial Accounting), BCH 3.2 (Income-tax Law and Practice), BCH 3.4 (Business Statistics), BCFI 4.2 (Business Mathematics), and BCH 5.2 (Fundamentals of Financial Management) there shall be 4 Credit Hrs. for Lectures + one Credit hr. (Two Practical Periods per week per batch) for Practical Lab + one credit Hr for Tutorials (per group)

b. Core Courses BCH 4.3 (Computer Applications in Business) and Discipline Specific Elective BCH Group A (e) (Computerised Accounting System), there shall be 4 Credit Hrs. for Lectures + Two Credit hrs. (4 Practical Periods per week per batch) for Practical Lab

c. Skill Enhancement Elective Course BCH 3.5(E-Commerce), there shall be 3 Credit Hrs. for Lectures + One Credit hrs. (2 Practical Periods per week per batch) for Practical Lab

2. For other core and elective papers, there shall be 5 lectures and one Tutorial (per batch)